Cure Rare: Not Rare At All.

The Cure Rare Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 and is devoted to funding the research and development of treatments and cures for rare genetic diseases. 

In the United States, diseases are considered rare when a single condition affects fewer than 200,000 individuals. However, these diseases aren’t rare at all because over 7,000 rare diseases have been identified and there are over 25,000,000 people living with rare diseases in the US alone! Yet because each individual disease impacts a small population, research and development for treatments and cures are largely unfunded, resulting in less than 5% of rare diseases having effective treatments. 

Cure Rare Foundation exists to not only bring awareness to rare diseases and genetic research, but also to encourage scientific advancements in the field of genetics, and to fund the development of treatments and cures for rare genetic diseases that disproportionately affect children.

At Cure Rare Foundation we envision a world where scientific research and developments are made collaboratively between institutions and between nations, to advance knowledge in the fields of genetic research and gene therapies.  We hope to support a future of genetic cures so that no children, families, and friends must experience the hardships that Stella and her team have had to endure.